Anime Girl Rankings

Ranking your favorite anime girls

Highest Ranked

  • Urumi Kanzaki (9.59)
  • Hibino Shiba (9.54)
  • Isuzu Sento (9.54)
  • Maggie Mui (9.54)
  • Mai Kawakami (9.54)
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Most Votes

  • Isuzu Sento (876)
  • Saya Takagi (823)
  • Saeko Busujima (806)
  • Yoko Ritona (788)
  • Riza Hawkeye (766)
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Most Recent Votes

  • Nanoka Kohinata (10)
  • Taiga Aisaka (10)
  • Rinna Kazamatsuri (10)
  • Kuroha Diana Shiratori (10)
  • Nadeshiko Kashima (8)
  • More Stats...


Which girl has the nicest eyes?

[Poll History]

Character image

Vital Character Statistics

Name: Arisu Ijuuin

Series: Hoshikuzu Paradise

Ranking: 1.00 Vote Count: 1

Last vote: January 8, 2013 12:06:29 PM MST with a vote of 1

Detailed Statistics

Ranking Position:
Serieswide: 4th of 4 characters Sitewide: 2,532nd of 2,571 characters
Vote Count Position:
Serieswide: 3rd of 4 characters Sitewide: 2,306th of 2,571 characters
Database Presence:
Entered in database: January 1, 2012 12:57:03 PM MST (12 years, 11 months, 25 days)


Arisu is an idol who considers herself in competition with Rina. Her bubbly and childlike performances are an appropriate match for the practical jokes and sabotage to which she subjects Rina. Arisu is overly affectionate with Hiroshi, calling him her big brother and hugging him.

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