Anime Girl Rankings

Ranking your favorite anime girls

Highest Ranked

  • Urumi Kanzaki (9.59)
  • Hibino Shiba (9.54)
  • Isuzu Sento (9.54)
  • Maggie Mui (9.54)
  • Mai Kawakami (9.54)
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Most Votes

  • Isuzu Sento (876)
  • Saya Takagi (823)
  • Saeko Busujima (805)
  • Yoko Ritona (788)
  • Riza Hawkeye (766)
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Most Recent Votes

  • Marin (10)
  • Gilda (10)
  • Dorothy Catalonia (10)
  • Shin-Lu Belvedere (5)
  • Debonair (10)
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Which girl has the nicest eyes?

[Poll History]

Character image

Vital Character Statistics

Name: Sayaka Rama

Series: Demon City Shinjuku

Ranking: 3.67 Vote Count: 3

Last vote: January 26, 2015 10:28:05 AM MST with a vote of 2

Detailed Statistics

Ranking Position:
Serieswide: 1st of 1 characters Sitewide: 2,347th of 2,571 characters
Vote Count Position:
Serieswide: 1st of 1 characters Sitewide: 1,343rd of 2,571 characters
Database Presence:
Entered in database: March 26, 2013 5:35:46 PM MST (11 years, 4 months, 2 days)


Sayaka is the daughter of Kozumi Rama, the World President and a man hailed for working toward world peace. When her father is kidnapped by Rebi Ra and held in Shinjuku, she enlists the help of Kyoya, the son of Rebi's sworn enemy. Though she knows the danger she and Kyoya face, she is willing to risk her life for the sake of both her father and the world. Sayaka is an extremely empathetic girl, able to feel the pain and suffering of others.

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