Anime Girl Rankings

Ranking your favorite anime girls

Highest Ranked

  • Urumi Kanzaki (9.59)
  • Hibino Shiba (9.54)
  • Isuzu Sento (9.54)
  • Maggie Mui (9.54)
  • Mai Kawakami (9.54)
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Most Votes

  • Isuzu Sento (876)
  • Saya Takagi (823)
  • Saeko Busujima (806)
  • Yoko Ritona (788)
  • Riza Hawkeye (766)
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Most Recent Votes

  • Kuroha Diana Shiratori (10)
  • Nadeshiko Kashima (8)
  • Saaya (8)
  • Saeko Busujima (10)
  • Juli Bahana (9)
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Which girl has the nicest eyes?

[Poll History]

Character image

Vital Character Statistics

Name: Rei Kuroki

Series: Vividred Operation

Ranking: 6.71 Vote Count: 7

Last vote: June 25, 2017 10:54:18 AM MST with a vote of 8

Detailed Statistics

Ranking Position:
Serieswide: 1st of 8 characters Sitewide: 936th of 2,571 characters
Vote Count Position:
Serieswide: 4th of 8 characters Sitewide: 646th of 2,571 characters
Database Presence:
Entered in database: April 28, 2013 12:12:15 PM MST (11 years, 7 months, 6 days)


Rei is a reserved, quiet girl in Akane's new class. She's often alone, not speaking to anyone else except where required for class. She has her own course of action she's determined to complete, which she has not shared with anyone but herself. Rei does have a softer side though, as she loves animals, especially her pet parakeet Piisuke. It's through this love of birds that Akane first makes real contact with Akane, and Rei's efforts to keep to herself may just come to a crashing halt now that Akane's taken an interest in her.

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