Vital Character Statistics
Name: Rem
Series: Death Note
Ranking: 5.83 Vote Count: 12
Last vote: April 2, 2020 5:27:33 AM MST with a vote of 2
Detailed Statistics
Ranking Position: | |||
Serieswide: 3rd of 3 characters | Sitewide: 1,459th of 2,571 characters | ||
Vote Count Position: | |||
Serieswide: 2nd of 3 characters | Sitewide: 426th of 2,571 characters | ||
Database Presence: | |||
Entered in database: | June 2, 2014 8:45:31 PM MST (10 years, 6 months, 21 days) |
Rem is Misa's shinigami and the former owner of Misa's Death Note. Much more reticent and stoic than her counterpart, Ryuk, Rem is fairly quiet and pensive, seeming to take little to no interest or enjoyment out of the Kira affair the way Ryuk does. Quite protective of Misa, Rem threatens to harm Light should he do anything to hurt her in any way.