Vital Character Statistics
Name: Dante
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Ranking: 2.83 Vote Count: 6
Last vote: May 18, 2019 9:43:34 PM MST with a vote of 10
Detailed Statistics
Ranking Position: | |||
Serieswide: 13th of 13 characters | Sitewide: 2,485th of 2,571 characters | ||
Vote Count Position: | |||
Serieswide: 10th of 13 characters | Sitewide: 749th of 2,571 characters | ||
Database Presence: | |||
Entered in database: | August 5, 2009 8:23:00 PM MST (15 years, 4 months, 17 days) |
Dante is an elderly alchemist who lives in the mountains away from the cities. A wise and knowledgable woman, she served as Izumi's teacher and alludes to having known Al and Ed's father as well. Dante seems to have some knowledge regarding the homunculi but what it is she knows isn't very clear.