Anime Girl Rankings

Ranking your favorite anime girls

Highest Ranked

  • Urumi Kanzaki (9.59)
  • Hibino Shiba (9.54)
  • Isuzu Sento (9.54)
  • Maggie Mui (9.54)
  • Mai Kawakami (9.54)
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Most Votes

  • Isuzu Sento (876)
  • Saya Takagi (823)
  • Saeko Busujima (806)
  • Yoko Ritona (788)
  • Riza Hawkeye (766)
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Most Recent Votes

  • Re-l Mayer (10)
  • Honoka Yukishiro (10)
  • Rie Misumi (10)
  • Rena Ryuuguu (5)
  • Tsugumi Aoba (5)
  • More Stats...


Which girl has the nicest eyes?

[Poll History]


In this section, you can check out all sorts of interesting stats about the site.

Site Statistics:
There are currently 2,571 characters in 446 series on the site, with 71,518 votes cast in total.
On average, characters are given a vote of 8.28, have received 27.82 votes, and have a ranking of 5.95.
On average, series have 5.76 characters and have received 160.35 votes.

Single-Word Series
1. .hack
2. Akira
3. Another
4. Arjuna
5. Baccano!
6. Birth
7. Chobits
8. Claymore
9. Coicent
10. Demonbane
11. Durarara!!
12. eX-Driver
13. FLCL
14. Fractale
15. Gasaraki
16. Gdleen
17. Gokudo
18. Gosick
19. Gunbuster
20. Gundam
21. Hellsing
22. Himegoto
23. Hyouka
24. I''s
25. Joshiraku
26. K-ON!
27. Kamichu!
28. Kanamemo
30. Kirara
31. Kodocha
32. Kotoura-san
33. Loups=Garous
34. Madlax
35. Madonna
36. Mahoromatic
37. Mao-chan
38. Maoyu
39. Nadia
40. Negima!
41. Netrun-mon
42. Nisekoi
43. Noir
44. Ontama!
45. Ookamikakushi
46. Oreimo
47. Paprika
48. Penguindrum
49. Popotan
50. RahXephon
51. REC
52. RIN-NE
53. Rizelmine
54. Ro-Kyu-Bu!
55. SaiKano
56. Sasami-san@Ganbaranai
57. School-Live!
58. Slayers
59. Texhnolyze
60. Toradora!
61. Trigun
62. Utawarerumono
63. X
64. xxxHOLiC
65. Yotsunoha
66. Yukikaze
67. Yurumates