In this section, you can check out all sorts of interesting stats about the site.
There are currently 2,571 characters in 446 series on the site, with 71,519 votes cast in total. |
On average, characters are given a vote of 8.28, have received 27.82 votes, and have a ranking of 5.95. |
On average, series have 5.76 characters and have received 160.36 votes. |
Names: | Breakdown by Percentage | Popular First Names |
Ranking: | Top 10 | Bottom 10 | Top 100 | Bottom 100 | Breakdown by Percentage |
Vote Count: | Top 10 | Bottom 10 | Top 100 | Bottom 100 |
Vote Recency: | Top 10 | Bottom 10 | Top 100 | Bottom 100 |
Names: | Breakdown by Percentage |
Average Ranking: | Top 10 | Bottom 10 | Top 100 | Bottom 100 |
Vote Count: | Top 10 | Bottom 10 | Top 100 | Bottom 100 |
Character Count: | Top 10 | Bottom 10 | Top 100 | Bottom 100 |
Series | Vote Count | |
444. | California Crisis: Gun Salvo | 1 |
444. | Carol: A Day in a Girl's Life | 1 |
444. | Good Morning Althea | 1 |
424. | Anoko ni 1000% | 2 |
424. | Blue Submarine No. 6 | 2 |
424. | Cherry no Manma | 2 |
424. | Coicent | 2 |
424. | Cosmos Pink Shock | 2 |
424. | Delpower X Bakuhatsu Miracle Genki! | 2 |
424. | Dominion Tank Police | 2 |